U3AOS2 Topic 7: Magnets and Particles

r=mvqBr = \frac{mv}{qB}Electrical fields are from the perspective of positive ions. Like charges repel in electrical fields.

The following equation represents the force on a particle in a magnetic field.


In uniform magnetic fields particles that are travelling perpendicular to the field lines can be attracted or repelled to move in circular motion. To calculate the radius of the path they take the following formula is used.

 r=mvqBr = \frac{mv}{qB}

RHPR: Right hand slap rule is similar to the grip rule as

The thumb indicates the path of the direction of movement

The fingers indicate the direction of the field

However, the only difference is that in RHS the palm indicates the direction of force on a positively charged particle.Electrical fields are from the perspective of positive ions. Like charges repel in electrical fields.

The following equation represents the force on a particle in a magnetic field.

 F=qBvF = qBv

In uniform magnetic fields particles that are travelling perpendicular to the field lines can be attracted or repelled to move in circular motion. To calculate the radius of the path they take the following formula is used.


RHPR: Right hand slap rule is similar to the grip rule as

The thumb indicates the path of the direction of movement The fingers indicate the direction of the field However, the only difference is that in RHS the palm indicates the direction of force on a positively charged particle.

The fingers indicate the direction of the field

However, the only difference is that in RHS the palm indicates the direction of force on a positively charged particle.

Created with GeoGebra®, by Tom Walsh, Link