U3AOS1 Topic 0: Welcome to Chemistry 3/4


Welcome to Equ-Ed ¾ chemistry course, I am pleased that you have found this website 🙂. As I am a graduate from the old study design (2023), I am not that familiar with the new 2024-2027 study design for chemistry however I tried my best to include everything I can from the study design. 

Please feel free to contact me about feedback to improve this free course (whether you want more on certain topics, notifying typos, or suggestions for aesthetic improvements) and definitely please let me know if I am missing any important information.

I cannot guarantee 100% accurate information, this course is best used supplemented with the school prescribed textbook.

I will periodically update and refine this course in my free time 😀


Simply email: equed321@gmail.com

*all courses in 3/4 chemistry shown in EquEd are currently in beta stages and those not shown are in drafting stages*

Example 1