U4AOS1 Topic 4: Time Dilation

Time itself slows or speeds up because of the relativistic way in which mass warps space and time.

Such that the faster an object moves the longer it will appear.

ttis the time from the observer’s frame of reference.

t0t_0 is the proper time or the time of the object from the stationary frame of reference.

t0γ=tt_0\gamma = t

What is Proper Time

The proper time is the time that the object measures itself.

e.g. If a spaceship is flying at 0.5c and has a clock. The clock will still tick at the same rate as it comes to rest.


The simulation below allows you to see the relativistic effects.

The red box (Observed Time) is the observed time and is the time passing for someone on Earth.

The blue box (Proper Time) is the stationary frame of reference and is how a person on a ship will see time pass.

Use the calculator below to check your work. (enter 2 or more variables)


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